Saturday, April 5, 2014

Photography Is My Escape

Busy Me Bumble Bee

Well folks, I don't know what  to tell you......

ANOTHER GREAT DAY I SAY! Yes, indeed it was. Yesterday was another day of photography and this time the style was a little different. This time I had a friend Alex pose for me :)

It was fun to do a shoot with this girl because her style is a little different, which makes me love it! I should love it because Alex and I spent, I think, an hour planning out the outfit LOL!!Maybe you can tell just why this was a fun shoot for me, by looking at these photos....!!!!!

Enjoy :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014


          AND TAKE

Busy Me Bumble Bee

HOLY COW!!!! I can't believe that yesterday was the third day in a ROW that I did some photography work!

Yesterday was a beautiful day and I couldn't let it go to waste! So guess who I gave a call to? 

Yep, I got my girl to agree to another photo shoot and this time we wanted to go with a Flower Power type of theme. But instead of the usual spots around our apartment we decided to go to a near by park to take pictures. Although we got a little lost at first we finally found the park and then the magic began!

So ladies and gentlemen here are some pictures from yesterday's adventure! ENJOY :)

Until Next Time :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'm On A Journey For Photography

"Take A Picture I Hear It Lasts Longer"
Busy Me Bumble Bee

"There and back again. A Hobbit's tale".....haha JK :) 

HEY!!! So first off, totally want to apologize about not posting new blogs recently. I have been a tad bit busy with that thing called....oh right LIFE! School and other stuff love to get in the way and keep me distracted lol. 

But with no further delay, let me show you what I have been up to these past 2 days!!!!

It's pretty clear that I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking pictures :D I mentioned in a previous post that photography is not just a hobby that I love, but it is also a means of escape for me when the world around me gets a little blue. So the last two days I have been snapping away with my camera. 

On Monday, I asked my roommate Lauren if she could model for me. I was actually getting my "cheap" art supplies (oh my credit card was seriously damaged with that expense) when I realized that once I got back to my apartment I didn't really have an agenda. So I thought, "Perfect chance to take some pictures!", plus the weather was really nice that day too. 

For some of you who haven't seen previous pictures I use Lauren a lot for photos because she is my roommate and she is always willing to help me out :) I love her haha!!

:D Those pictures were just a few I picked out, because they stand out to me more.

Now moving right along to what I did Tuesday which was in fact yesterday lol! Yesterday my photo shoot with my friend Desiree was also a last minute thing. I was feeling a bit down and I wanted to get my mind off a few things. So I hit my girl up and she agreed to help me out! She was a little nervous at first but we both laughed a lot because this was something she wasn't use to but looking at the pictures, she definitely did a great job!!!

These are just a few of the pictures I took of Desiree! I want her to know I am extremely grateful she helped me out yesterday, because I just get soooo much joy when I get to edit pictures lol.

If anyone reading this blog and have read others where I mention my photography below is a link to my facebook page I recently created, so definitely go check it out!!

If that doesn't work all you have to do (if you have a facebook) is just search Tamara Moran Photography!!

Thank You!!!!!


until next time ;)