The Moran Family Tree
Crafty Little Me
Over this winter break I have been working on something
truly special for my family. A gift I wanted to be ready by Christmas but
unfortunately it wasn’t. With the passing of one of our family members Blackie
(my cat), I was struck with some inspiration! I wanted to honor Blackie for
coming into our lives, and being part of our family, the Moran family.
I took it as my mission to show people the special members
who make up the Moran family. My project was to create our family tree.

VOILA!!!!!! The Moran Family Tree was finally complete! I
must say that this has been one of my most cherish-able works of art ever. I
say this because to my family and I, this tree shows our family, even though
with Blackie’s death this is still what our family tree looks like to this day.
I remember stepping back after I was done and just smiling from ear to ear. It
was a great feeling of accomplishment. And now it hangs proudly where everyone
can see it when they walk into our house! It may not be much, but it’s a Tamara
work of art =)